Teacher Safety Expert - Masterclass

Meet Tom Aitken

Teacher Safety Expert | National Positive Handling Coach

During the last 20 years, Tom has focused his time and energy in the education and learning sector. He has built school-focused training companies that have been delivering thousands of events since 1998. Tom has had the opportunity to engage with hundreds of trainers who have assisted him across the UK and Europe.

We have trained an excess of 50,000 positive handling practitioners, currently engaged with over 1189 settings in England and have a national network of 120 positive handling trainers.

Author of: 'The Schools Leaders Guide In Positive Handling'

- Interpreting the current legislation for Schools.  

- The laws covering the “Use of Force” in Schools.  

- Physical skills in protecting staff and pupils.  

- Tips and Tools to help staff de-escalate volatile situations.  

- How to present robust due diligence evidence for Inspections.


Call now 0845 548 0521 to find out more or email at enquiries@schoolstaffsafety.co.uk